Feeling Behind? How to Get Ahead Again!
After the past few months, your teenager might feel totally behind. More than ever, pupils need supportive family and teachers around them to help them bridge gaps and catch up with ‘missed’ learning from 2020.
Join a course
Online courses are a great solution! Mydigitiallesson.co.uk guides your teen through their SQA courses at their own pace; providing all the key information, exam content and crucial questions.
As a parent or guardian supporting from home, it can be a good idea to try and figure out where your teen is struggling the most. Once you have established which subjects these are, you can delve into those areas and get underway. It may also be wise to sign your child up to our courses as soon as possible. We are confident that our high-quality videos (by real teachers) is the key to success! We have well-structured lessons, as well as a wealth of experience in delivering excellent education to our Scottish youngsters.
At mydigitallesson.co.uk we don’t leave pupils out. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, then they are also eligible for online scholarship with us.

In the same boat!
This year is probably going to be quite a remarkable one (from an academic perspective, at least!)As a result of schools closing, most pupils probably ‘feel behind’ in some way. Reassure your child that the way that they feel is on par with all school-aged students. It’s not necessary to panic.
The main thing your teenager may want to ‘scrub up’ on, though, is subject content. The more knowledge your teen can acquire, the better. Therefore, any activities your teenager can do to boost their subject knowledge will be useful. Our courses are robust and geared up for this, so your teenager can feel confident that they won’t miss any content again!
Read up
Reading is a really good way of deepening knowledge. Getting hold of subject-relevant books can be a great way of acquiring a more intense approach to a topic. Another tip is to purchase revision guides (if you haven’t already done so.) You could make a start by getting your child to tick off the ‘contents page’ for things they “do” and “don’t” feel confident in. This is a quick way of directing your child to areas they will need to cover (revision guides are usually a helpful starting point.)
Be Positive
Finally, there’s no use dwelling on the time gone by. Even if your teenager takes a look through a revision guide and realizes they’ve missed the majority of a topic, then they need to strategically move forward. Take action.
The past few months have given challenges for everybody, and it’s time to start taking steps ahead. Start by taking a look over at mydigitallesson.co.ukto see the excellent National 5 and Higher English RUAE and Writing Folio courses we offer. With us, it won’t take long until your teenager starts to feel ‘ahead’ again!