A Parent/Guardian’s Guide to Distance Learning
Distance learning presents challenges for teachers, parents and students alike. Even as online educators ourselves, we can appreciate that – for some students- turning to a wholly online education requires great flexibility, motivation and resilience… and that’s why we’re here to help.
We know that everyone’s circumstances are different, and even the most diligent or tech-savvy students might be struggling without their usual school classrooms, friends and routines. Whilst it may still feel like unfamiliar ground, here what you can do:
Establish routines
Even when your teenager was an adorable little kiddo, you knew the power of a good routine! Now they’re older (whilst they are more articulate at protesting a routine) it’s still really great to structure the day. Your teenager is so familiar with routines and expectations from day-to-day in school and, whilst there’s no way you need to replicate your own school at home, setting up a schedule will help everybody.
Keep in Touch
Where possible, aim to ensure your teenager is logging onto their live lessons and checking in with their teacher. It really is good to see a familiar face- even if it’s not your child’s fave teacher- and it keeps your teen feeling that they’re still joining the school community.
Not only is it wise to keep in touch with school, but keeping in contact with friends plays a key part in making your teenager feel connected- and lift their spirits. Here at My Digital Lesson, we also think it’s important for students to have opportunities to work alongside their peers, and this year we are offering our own online ‘booster’ groups. We offer support for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher. Our virtual Half Term revision courses are a fantastic way of getting much-needed studying done before prelim and internal exams, too.
Let your teen drive the learning
It’s good for your teen to take ‘the front seat’ with their learning. Ultimately, they need to be in control of what they’re studying and taking in. That’s why many families turn to our provision. My Digital Lesson offers the perfect solution when it comes to getting your teenager working independently, in manageable chunks (whilst still being steered by subject professionals.)
Our final bit of advice: reassurance!
Now exams are cancelled, your teenager’s results will be graded by teachers. Prelim marks and class assessment will make up your teenager’s grades. Whether your teenager is feeling relieved, stressed or something else about this- it’s good to keep perspective. Many families are juggling enough right now, and under enough pressure. The last thing you want for your teenager is for them to feel further uncertainty or anxiety about how their results will go. It’s good to reassure them. Teachers will be assessing fairly. Teachers will be supporting your teenager to get the grades they deserve. Teachers are likely to be one of your teenager’s biggest ‘cheerleader’s’ right now. So, even if your teen is unsure, they just need to keep working hard.
Be reassured: everybody’s doing their best- like they would at any other time of the school year- and if your teenager maintains that mantra, then they will be rewarded fairly. Good luck!