
Home Learning Had Benefits

5 Ways Home Learning Had Big Benefits

Many teenagers up and down the country deserve a pat on the back. If they managed the majority of schoolwork during lockdown, then they did a really fantastic job. If they did half of the work that was set, then that wasn’t bad going, either! Home learning was tough on teenagers- in many ways.
At school, the whole day is mapped out. Students know when and where there’ll be, and for how long. By contrast, your teenager really had to take ownership of their choices and education. At home, teenagers had to adapt to learning in a very different way… but we think there were some big benefits worth ‘keeping’:

1. Your Teen Gained Independence

Probably for the first time ever, your teenager’s education was completely thrust into their own hands. Teachers were sitting in their own homes, anticipating students would do the work they’d been busy adapting… but the reality was, it was left in the hands of students to open up the documents and get on with it! Your teenager will have acquired a great deal of independence and action over their own learning.

2. Your Teen Became a Techy Pro

Most pupils were geared up to using technology for their home learning- and there was probably an awful lot to learn about technology… before their ‘lessons’ even started! Now that your teenager has become a bit of an ‘online learning pro,’ it’d be great to keep this up. As a course provider at mydigitallesson.co.uk we are confident in the great impact that online learning has- and we are specifically dedicated to Scottish students studying SQA subjects at National 5 and Higher. Our high-quality, expert-led videos are perfect for your teenager (who’s probably gotten used to elements of video learning!)

3. Your Teen Likely Researched

If your teenager had a question, it wasn’t always instant that they could ask a teacher for a response (like you could in a classroom.) Many teenagers will have expanded their ability to research and find out answers for themselves.

4. Your Teen Learnt in Different Ways

By learning at home, your teenager probably adapted to different ways of learning. Perhaps they used more creative ways of recording ideas, or perhaps your teenager utilised online tools that they haven’t before? One of the big benefits of online learning is how much easier it is to view your child’s progress- and get instant results. One of the great things about mydigitallesson.co.uk is that your child can track how far through the course content they are. We also include intermittent quizzes (with instant results,) so your child can see where they’re exceeding or struggling.

5. Your Teen Learnt Skills for Life

All of these benefits will have ultimately helped to set your child up for life. Whether it was learning to organise themselves better; getting to grips with modern technology, or learning a new revision strategy, your teen has- undoubtedly- learnt some skills for life. Why let the online learning stop there?! Come and find out more at

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