Tackling Absence in the New School Term
Tackling Absence in the New School Term
In the new school term, your child may be absent for many different reasons. Especially this year, we have to expect more absence than usual, with periods of self-isolation (potentially) for families. Local lockdowns may take place; families may have to self-isolate if they have been exposed to someone with the virus, and schools will respond to any positive cases of COVID.
This doesn’t mean another ‘rollercoaster year’ academically, though! We have a reliable, steady solution in the form of mydigitallesson.co.uk.
The Solution?
Save your worries: we have faith in the online provision we offer to keep your child’s education consistent throughout the year- regardless of any absence! At mydigitallesson.co.uk, our courses are robust, and they deliver all the key content your teen needs for their core subjects. Whether it’s the sciences, English or Maths, we keep your teen on track. (If your teen has Free School Meals, they’ll be eligible for scholarship with us, too!)
You’ll want your teenager to hear from real teachers- and all of our courses are delivered by school teachers who are currently working in classrooms! This is a great way to guarantee the best for your child. We also specialise in SQA exams for National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher, so we have a unique digital platform catering specifically for Scottish students.
The Way Forward?
We’ve all been adapting to online learning more than ever (because of the lockdown) and many teachers and pupils are realising the worthwhile benefits of digital lessons.
Many schools and colleges are likely to adopt some form of blended learning to ensure all students receive a good education (whether they are self-isolating at home or not.) Blended learning typically involves students receiving elements of teacher-taught input at home, then using time in class to put the knowledge into play. However, there are so many benefits to blended learning that it could well shape the future of the classroom beyond this academic year!
Get Started!
It’s likely you’ll have enough trepidation about getting your teen back into school soon. Planning for future absence is definitely not something to get yourself in a tangle about.
However, to relieve your family of any stress about ‘gaps’ in your teenager’s education, it is reassuring to know that there everyone wants to support your teenager. Whether it’s teachers, tutors or support staff, everyone will be working together to ensure young people get the best care and transition back into school. Everyone that works in education will want to be on board to help.
We can reassure you of that, too. By signing up to one of our specialised online courses, your child can be one step ahead in the new school year. By consistently working through the content of our excellent, high-quality lessons, your teen will always have access to teacher-led materials and knowledge…. wherever they are. Mydigitallesson.co.uk lesson is ready on your teenager’s device: it is- quite literally- at their fingertips!