
Ten Tips for Acing Coursework

With emphasis now on coursework and classwork for National 5s students, your teen will want to ensure they ACE this type of requirement. For those studying Higher or Advanced Higher subjects, there’s typically a coursework element to most subjects- again, it’s something your teen will be conscious of doing well at.

Many teens feel particularly conscious that the coursework is completely in “their hands” and thus want to know how best to ace it! As an online education provider at mydigitallesson, let us give you our ten top tips:

1. Treat time as the most valuable thing. Your teen should start working on their coursework as soon as possible- running out of time will hinder them.

2. Make a proper plan. To succeed, planning is crucial. Your teen should prioritize and work through what needs to be done- and by when. Secure their knowledge by checking out our excellent, expert-led lessons at My Digital Lesson.

3. A significant factor to acing coursework is to research well. By having the backing of solid research, your teen is far more likely to be well equipped to write with confidence and knowledge. We are highly recommended for boosting learning- you could use our lessons to secure knowledge before writing coursework.

4. Discuss the coursework topic with teachers, friends and family. It can lead to clarity.

5. Plan for specific coursework study time. Just like your teen would map out a revision schedule, it’s wise to schedule set times to work on coursework- it’s more likely to get done that way!

6. Avoid simple mistakes. Proof reading is so important- and yet many students don’t always give it a second thought! To ace coursework, your teenager should be regularly editing and checking their work- it’s one of the great benefits of coursework.

7. Don’t get bogged down by coursework: there’s no need. Some teenagers will spend so long dwelling on coursework that it hinders them from actually getting on with it!

8. Strike a balance. Your teen has got other things to do, too! There are many subjects that your teen will be working on, and they of course need time for leisure and rest, too. A sensible balance needs to be made in order to do well and keep well. For a simple solution, try our online SQA courses whereby we chunk your child’s subjects into manageable lessons.

9. Get someone else to read the coursework. Your teen won’t always know whether their work makes sense to someone else, so why not check?

10. Lastly, encourage your teen to find the enjoyment in their coursework! Sometimes, students come to resent coursework and then they want to avoid working on it. As a parent or guardian, supporting your teenager can be as simple as sharing some interest in what they’re doing- and focusing on the purpose of it. Being positive helps.

Coursework is a big piece of work, and SQA students are likely to be feeling more anxious about it than ever this year. However, there are many good things about coursework- and don’t forget- we’re here to help!

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