Boosting Confidence After Lockdown: A Solution
Boosting Confidence After Lockdown: A Solution
During lockdown, pupils have had various experiences: some may have got stuck into home-schooling, whilst it may not have been so straightforward for others. Some will have had an enjoyable time at home, whilst others may have experienced challenges or loss. It’s been such an unprecedented time for us all, that the next moves that educators make may seem pretty unprecedented, too.
When the full return to school happens, we know that safeguarding and pastoral support will be the highest priority. Logistically, schools are tasked with mapping out how this will best look for their cohorts, so schools are likely to be busy adapting over the next few weeks.
Meanwhile, one of the things teenagers (and their parents) want to do is bridge any gaps and get back on track with subject content. Here at mydigitallesson, we guarantee your child will be able to do just this! Our brilliant courses are specifically designed with Scottish students in mind. We use real teachers – all who are experienced in SQA examinations- to narrate and deliver our impactful video materials. Once your child is signed up to a course, they can access the video lessons from any device, at a time which suits them. Considering the aim is to try and get all students back to school in September, mydigitallesson is the perfect solution for flexibility and boosting your child’s education- whatever their new school timetable looks like!
All students are probably going to need a boost in confidence at this time. Teens have been thrown into studying at home, and for many, this is the first time they’ve had to learn almost completely independently. Some will have found this really demotivating and hard, whilst others will have found it enjoyable and rewarding. Regardless, we all know that every pupil will need a wealth of support in the new school year: for their wellbeing, as well as their education.
We are experts in SQA examinations here at mydigitallesson and we are passionate about helping all students achieve. With scholarships available for those entitled to Free School Meals, your teenager doesn’t have to miss out! Our detailed programmes have everything you can think of! In addition to the brilliant lessons (which chronologically guide your child through the components of their courses,) we provide quizzes and assessment tools, so your teenager acquires instant feedback for how they are doing. We also ensure your child is able to easily track their lesson progress, by ticking off completed aspects of their courses.
Our courses mirror content that would be learned in school, so it’s an excellent way to boost confidence, because your teen doesn’t ever miss out. On that note, it’s an excellent way to revisit material they may have tried to look at on their own during lockdown, but with the voice of a real teacher being able to explain it! Signing up to our courses is so straightforward, and your teenager will be bridging gaps in no time. With everything else going on, worrying about your teenager’s education needn’t be one of them. Our fully designed programme is the solution to boosting your child’s confidence again!