Enjoy and Excel: Online Learning
There’ll be many teenagers out there who relish the chance to learn on their devices (they’re definitely not just about social sites and apps!) Whether it be a mobile phone, a tablet or a laptop, technology is very much a vital and powerful tool of modern learning. Needless to say, the ‘lockdown of 2020’ proved just how important online learning is.
Some teenagers will have really excelled with their online learning, and even if your teenager hasn’t perhaps ‘excelled’ just yet, we are certain that every student can succeed by taking a blended approach to learning. Blended learning requires utilising online learning tools, alongside contact time in the classroom. Blended learning is starting to happen now, and it’s shaping the fantastic future ahead in education.

It’s about keeping up!
Here at mydigitallesson.co.uk, we have fully embraced the need for students to have robust access to their full SQA courses, by providing all the knowledge they need to get their grades. Our lessons are current, up-to-date and exciting!
Unlike textbooks (which start to outdate from the moment they’re in hard copy,) online learning provides an ever-evolving pool of information for your child to dive into. Part of flourishing academically is about being ready for new research and tools to come flying your way! By embracing online learning, your child can enjoy exposure to contemporary thinking.
It improves independence!
Online learning also heightens students’ independence. The great thing about courses, such as ours, is that real teachers deliver the videos and materials directly to your child. With mydigitallesson.co.uk you’ll find that all of our lessons are readily recorded (they are not live,) and thus your child gets to learn at their own leisure- and at their own pace! Also, your child can revisit aspects again and again, which is great way to strengthen and secure knowledge. Our SQA online courses incorporate quizzes and assessment tools, which are brilliant for informing your child of how they’re getting on.
Great learners tend to be independent ones. That’s because students who know how to tend to their own educational needs tend to have skills, motivation and desire to academically succeed. Whether it’s University or an apprenticeship your teen might go for, taking control of their own progress is imperative. Online learning sets your child up well for this: it allows them to take ownership.
By blending online learning with time spent in the classroom, your child maximises their chances of enhancing life-long learning
It secures knowledge!
It’s also worth noting that your child will do well if they have secure, rounded knowledge. To do this, information needs to stick in the long term memory, and the way to do this is to revisit learning again and again. Online learning is the key to this: it’s always there!
So, when it comes to getting serious about online learning, sign up with us. We have so much to offer, including a free taster ‘biology’ lesson to peak your interest. Your teenager is guaranteed to enjoy and excel at all of our SQA courses.